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Have you been the victim of a violent crime ?

You are entitled to make a claim for compensation to the CICA. We have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help you claim the award you deserve.

start your claim

We can advise you - enter your details and we’ll contact you.

Please note that this is the website of Ison Harrison Solicitors. We can provide advice and act on your behalf in relation to applications to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. If you wish to speak to the CICA in relation to an ongoing matter or apply directly without assistance then you can contact them on 0300 003 3601.

CICA claim for assault. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government-funded organisation that makes compensation payments to the victims of crimes of violence. This covers physical or sexual assault carried out by a stranger, spouse, family member, or colleague.

If you have been the victim of a crime of violence then you have the right to seek a financial award for your injuries. In certain circumstances, you can recover for your financial losses.

Claim from the CICA

To qualify for an award you need to show:

  • the assault happened in Great Britain
  • occurred in the past two years (there are exceptions to this rule dependent upon age/type of assault – always seek advice)
  • you sustained a non-trivial injury
  • the matter was reported to the police promptly – this usually means within 48-72 hours of the assault (not applicable to sexual assault/rape)
  • full co-operation and assistance was given to the police in finding and prosecuting your attacker.

There does not need to be a conviction or an arrest for you to bring a claim. As long as you reported the incident and co-operated you can make a claim.

To find out more, and to see if you qualify for an award simply click the linked page that applies to you:

If you require any further information or would like to begin the process then get in touch with us today. Our advisers are here and waiting to help.

We’re here to help

Or Submit your details and we’ll contact you

Start your CICA claim today.

To get the help you need to bring a claim for a financial award from the CICA, get in touch with us today:

Call Mike Massen on 0113 224 7804. We will listen in confidence and give you the best advice on the strength of your claim and to what you may be entitled. We will answer all your questions so that you can decide if you want to proceed with your application to the CICA. If you do; we are here for you and can help.

Your claim can be dealt with on a No Win-No Fee basis so you don’t have to worry about the cost of bringing your claim.